Rivera Barrientos, Diego María
Barrientos, Diego María Rivera
リベラ, ディエゴ(リベラ, ディエゴ)
Fotocolor c1958
Hans F. Secker
Kunst c1957
Leah Brenner ; with illus. by Diego Rivera
Beechhurst Press [1953]
Departamento de Artes Plásticas, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes [1951]
Departamento de artes plasticas, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes 1951 Diego Rivera 50 años de su labor artistica
text by Enrique Gual
Editorial Fischgrund [1950]
texto por Enrique Gual
Editorial Fischgrund [1950?]
textos de Antonio Rodríguez
Ediciones de Arte c1948 Colección Anáhuac de arte mexicano v. 8 ; Artistas
by Gilbert Médioni and Marie-Thérèse Pinto
Oxford University Press c1941
Bertram D. Wolfe
R. Hale 1939
paintings by Diego Rivera and text by Bertram D. Wolfe
Covici Friede c1937
by Diego Rivera ; with an explanatory text by Bertram D. Wolfe
Covici, Friede c1934
by Carleton Beals ; [illustrations by Diego Rivera]
Book League of America 1931
by Stuart Chase ; in collaboration with Marian Tyler ; illustrated by Diego Rivera
Literary Guild 1931
Museum of Modern Art , Plandome Press c1931 , 1931
Macmillan 1931
Neuer Deutscher Verlag 1928
OmniSys [19--] [Microfilm ed.]