クララ=イングラム=ジャドソン作 ; 河田智雄訳 ; サベージ画
学習研究社 1971 世界の伝記 10
Clara Ingram Judson ; adapted by Judith Kaye Reed
Pyramid 1963 The Ladder series
by Clara Ingram Judson ; illustrated by Bob Patterson
Modern Curriculum Press c1961 Beginning to read books
: pbk
クララ・I.ジャドソン著 ; 韮沢嘉雄訳
時事通信社 1960.12 時事新書
by Clara Ingram Judson ; drawings by Lorence F. Bjorklund ; illustrated with photos. of the seaway
Follett Pub. [1959]
by Clara Ingram Judson ; illustrated by Robert Frankenberg
Follett Pub. Co c1957
ジャッドソン作 ; 村岡花子訳
岩波書店 1953.4 岩波少年文庫 56, 3012
ジャッドソン著 ; 村岡花子訳
[日本ライトハウス] [1---] 点字版
1 , 2 文字資料(点字)
by Clara Ingram Judson ; frontispiece and pencil drawings by Lorence F. Bjorklund
Wilcox and Follett c1953
by Clara Ingram Judson ; Illustrated by Ralph Ray
Scribner 1951
Clara Ingram Judson ; illustrated by Robert Frankenberg
Wilcox & Follett Co. c1951
by Clara Ingram Judson ; with pen drawings by Robert Frankenberg ; and kodachromes of the Chicago Historical Society Lincoln Dioramas
Follett Pub. Co c1950
by Clara Ingram Judson ; illustrated by Elmer Wexler
Houghton Mifflin , Riverside Press 1946
by Clara Ingram Judson
Rand McNally c1926
Barse & Hopkins c1918