Ken Heyman ; foreword by Pete Hamill ; introduction by Deborah Eisenberg
Aperture c1988
edited by Ralph and Caroline Steiner ; with a foreword by Peter Smith
Published for the Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College by the University of New Mexico Press c1986 Spring Industries series on the art of photography
: pbk.
photographs by Ken Heyman ; designed by Albert Squillace
Putnam c1983
K.ハイマン編集 ; 早乙女忠訳
新潮社 1979.1
words by Margaret Mead ; photos. by Ken Heyman
Little, Brown c1975 1st ed
by Margaret Mead and Ken Heyman
Collier Books 1971 1st Collier Books ed
written by Edmund Carpenter ; photographed by Ken Heyman
Outerbridge & Dienstfrey; distributed by E. P. Dutton [1970]
text by John Gruen ; photographs by Ken Heyman
Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1968
by Robert Cohen ; with an afterword by Juan Comas ; illustrated by Ken Heyman
Random House c1968
John Rublowsky ; photography by Ken Heyman
Nelson c1965
John Roblowsky ; photography by Ken Heyman ; foreword by Samuel Adams Green
Basic Books c1965
Macmillan c1965
photographs by Ken Heyman ; words by Michael Mason
Atheneum 1963