Ishak, Kamal G.

検索結果3件中 1-3 を表示

  • Tumors of the liver and intrahepatic bile ducts

    by Kamal G. Ishak, Zachary D. Goodman, J. Thomas Stocker

    Armed Forces Institute of Pathology 2001 Atlas of tumor pathology, third series fasc. 31


  • Histological typing of tumours of the liver

    K.G. Ishak, P.P. Anthony, and L.H. Sobin ; in collaboration with pathologists in 6 countries

    Springer-Verlag c1994 2nd ed International histological classification of tumours

    : gw , : us


  • Neoplasms of the liver

    Kunio Okuda, Kamal G. Ishak (eds.)

    Springer-Verlag c1987

    : U.S , : ja , : Germany

