Sanger, Margaret (Higgins)
Sanger, Margaret Higgins
サンガー, マーガレット(サンガー, マーガレット)
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サンガー著 ; 矢口達訳
文部省 1925
Available at 2 libraries
edited by Margaret Sanger
American Birth Control League 1925 The sixth International Neo-Malthusian and Birth Control Conference v. 1
Available at 10 libraries
不二出版 1983 復刻版
Available at 80 libraries
Available at 82 libraries
マーガレット・サンガー著 ; 鳥山朝夢譯
朝香屋書店 1924
Available at 3 libraries
マーガレット・サンガー著 ; 烏山朝夢訳
朝香屋書店 1924.7
Available at 1 libraries
by Margaret Sanger ; foreword by Leonora Eyles
R. Witcop [1924?]
マーガレット・サンガー著 ; 石本静枝譯
實業之日本社 1923.8
Available at 18 libraries
實業之日本社 1923 [私家複製版]
by Margaret Sanger ; with a preface by H.G. Wells
Jonathan Cape 1923
Available at 4 libraries
by Margaret Sanger
Jonathan Cape 1922
by Margaret Sanger ; with introductions by Harold Cox and Havelock Ellis
Available at 13 libraries
Brentano's c1922
New York Women's Publishing Co. 1922
マーガレット・サンガー著 ; 奥俊貞譯
精華書院 1921.11
s.n.] 1921 rev.
by Margaret Sanger ; with a preface by Havelock Ellis
Blue Ribbon Books c1920
Truth Pub. Co. c1920
by Margaret H. Sanger
M.N. Maisel 192-]
Brentano c1920
Available at 31 libraries