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[translations, Joel Agee]
Hatje Cantz c2012
: hkb.
Available at 2 libraries
[editor, Alessandra Bellavita, Jill Silverman van Coenegrachts ; text, Jonathan T.D. Neil]
Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac 2011
Available at 1 libraries
edited by Renate Wiehager
Hatje Cantz c2010
Skira Flammarion , Musée d'art moderne et d'art contemporain c2009
Susan Kismaric and Eva Respini
Museum of Modern Art c2004
Available at 15 libraries
Kerber Verlag c2002 Limited ed.
Available at 3 libraries
commissioned art by Robert Longo, Simone Westerwinter, Mathis Neidhart ; interviews with John M. Armleder, Peter Halley, Sarah Morris ; by Renate Wiehager ; in cooperation with Friederike Nymphius
DaimlerChrysler c2002
Lobert Longo ; [Herausgeber, Thomas Kellein]
DuMont c1997
: Buchhandelsausgabe
Galerie Hans Mayer Düsseldorf ; herausgegeben von Renate Damsch-Wiehager
[Villa Merkel, Galerie der Stadt Esslingen am Neckar] [1995]
ロバート・ロンゴ [作] ; アプトインターナショナル編集
アプトインターナショナル c1995
Available at 10 libraries
[catalog edited and designed by Thomas Kellein]
Kunstverein in Hamburg , Deichtorhallen 1991
text by William Gibson
Kyoto Shoin 1991 Art random 71
Available at 70 libraries
Howard N. Fox ; with essays by Hal Foster, Katherine Dieckmann, Brian Wallis
Los Angeles County Museum of Art , Rizzoli 1989
Available at 13 libraries
南嶌宏執筆 ; 西武百貨店編集
西武百貨店 c1989
Available at 4 libraries
フジヰ画廊 1987.9
Wacoal Art Center c1987
Videorecording (Videocassette)
Robert Longo ; with an introduction and interview by Richard Price
Abrams c1986
ワコールアートセンター [1986]
Available at 5 libraries
text by Carter Ratcliff
Rizzoli 1985
mit einem Text von Carter Ratcliff
Schirmer/Mosel c1985