Thomas, E. C. (Ernest Chester)
Frederick Albert Lange ; [authorized translation by Ernest Chester Thomas]
Routledge 2000, c1925 2nd ed. / with an introduction by Bertrand Russell International library of philosophy [B] . Epistemology and metaphysics ; 1
newly translated into English by E.C. Thomas
Cooper Square Publishers 1966 The medieval library / under the general editorship of Sir Israel Gollancz
by O. Hood Phillips
Sweet & Maxwell 1952
by Frederick Albert Lange ; authorized translation by Ernest Chester Thomas
Humanities Press 1950 3rd ed. / with an introduction by Bertrand Russell International library of psychology, philosophy and scientific method
Sweet & Maxwell , Carswell , Law Book of Company of Australasia 1957 , 1947 8th ed. / by O. Hood Phillips
Sweet & Maxwell , Carswell 1934 7th ed. / by E. Slade
Sweet & Maxwell , Carswell , Law Book Company of Australasia 1927 6th ed. / by Hugh H.L. Bellot
Routledge & Kegan Paul 1925 3rd ed / with an introduction by Bertrand Russell International library of psychology, philosophy and scientific method
translated from the Latin by E.C. Thomas
Chatto & Windus 1925 The Medieval library 24
Harcourt, Brace & Company , Kegan Paul 1925 3rd ed. / with an introduction by Bertrand Russell International library of psychology, philosophy and scientific method
by Ernest C. Thomas
Sweet & Maxwell 1924 5th ed. / by Hugh H.L. Bellot
Stevens & Haynes 1908 4th ed
Alexander Moring, De La More Press 1903 2nd ed The king's classics / under the general editorship of Israel Gollancz
by Frederick Albert Lange ; authorised translation by Ernest Chester Thomas
Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner 1892 4th ed The English and foreign philosophical library
v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3
Frederick Albert Lange ; authorized translation by Ernest Chester Thomas
Trübner & Co 1890 3rd ed The English and foreign philosophical library
edited and translated by ernest C. Thomas barrister-at-law late scholar of trinity college Oxford and librarian of the Oxford union
K. Paul, Trench and co 1888