by E. Daumas ; translated from the French by Sheila M. Ohlendorf ; preface by Stuart Cloete
University of Texas Press c1968 9th ed. rev. and augm. / with commentaries by Abd-el-Kader
by Stuart Cloete
Da Gama [1968?]
Trident Press c1964
Stuart Cloete
Doubleday, c1962
by H. Rider Haggard ; with an introd. by Stuart Clote ; ill. by Will Nickless
Collins 1961
Riverside Press , Houghton Mifflin c1960
Stuart Cloete ; [aus dem Englischen übertragen von Karin von Schab]
Fischer Bücherei 1959 Fischer Bücherei 307
von Stuart Cloete ; [übertragen von Karin von Schab]
W. Krüger 1957
Houghton Mifflin 1957
by Stuart Cloete ; illustrated with photographs and maps by Rehna Cloete
Collins [1957]
Stuart Cloete ; [übertragen ins Deutsche von Margret Bismarck]
Rowohlt 1956 Rororo Taschenbuch Ausgabe 199
Houghton Mifflin , Riverside Press c1955
Houghton Mifflin 1952
Houghton Mifflin 1947
Penguin 1946, c1937 Penguin books 573
Collins 1946
Stuart Cloete ; [maps and portraits] by Roland Cosimini
Houghton Mifflin 1945
: hbk
by Stuart Cloete ; maps by Roland Cosimini
Editions for the Armed Services c1945 Armed Services editions
Houghton Mifflin 1943
Collins 1942