Tʹepolo, Dzhovanni Battista
Tiepolo, Giambattista
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herausgegeben von Sandra Pisot für die Hamburger Kunsthalle ; mit Beiträgen von Wencke Deiters ... [et al.]
Hirmer c2019
Available at 1 libraries
Hugues Dufourt
H. Lemoine c2016
Printed Music (Full Score)
Renzo Villa, Giovanni Carlo Federico Villa
Silvana editoriale c2013
a cura di Giuseppe Pavanello, Vania Gransinigh
Civici Musei [2011]
herausgegeben von Oliver Kornhoff ; kuratiert von Klaus Gallwitz
DuMont c2009
: Buchhandelsausg , : Museumsausg
H. Lemoine c2005
a cura di Adriano Marius, Giuseppe Pavanello
Marsilio c2004 1. ed Cataloghi di mostre 62
: pbk
a cura di Giulio Manieri Elia, Adriano Mariuz, Giovanna Nepi Scirè
Marsilio 2003
Filippo Pedrocco ; [Übersetzung, Susanne Fischer, Petra Trinkaus]
DuMont c2003
Filippo Pedrocco ; traduit de l'italien par Odile Menegaux
Flammarion c2002
Filippo Pedrocco ; [translation from the Italian by Rhoda Billingsley]
Rizzoli 2002
Available at 15 libraries
Réunion des musées nationaux , Musée des beaux-arts c2000
Available at 7 libraries
Paris-Musées c1998
Available at 8 libraries
ティエポロ [画]
トレヴィル , リブロポート (発売) 1996.9 ピナコテーカ・トレヴィル・シリーズ 8
Available at 33 libraries
Filippo Pedrocco e Terisio Pignatti
Canal & Stamperia c1996 Le guide Canal . I dipinti nei luoghi di origine
Svetlana Alpers, Michael Baxandall ; traduit de l'anglais par Xavier Carrère
Gallimard c1996
[Text und Idee: Doris Kutschbach]
Prestel c1996 Abenteuer Kunst
by Peter O. Krückmann ; [translated from the German by John Ormrod]
Prestel c1996
Available at 6 libraries
edited by Keith Christiansen
Skira , Distributed by Thames and Hudson c1996
Available at 12 libraries
Metropolitan Museum of Art , Distributed by Harry N. Abrams c1996
: pbk , : Abrams
Available at 2 libraries