Andrews, Edward Wyllys
Andrews V, E. Wyllys (Edward Wyllys)
edited by E. Wyllys Andrews and William L. Fash
School of American Research Press , James Currey 2005 School of American Research advanced seminar series
: cloth , : pbk
compiled by E. Wyllys Andrews V and Elizabeth Oster Mozzillo
Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University 1994 Publication / Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University 63
Frederick W. Lange ... [et al.] ; with chapters by Wolfgang Haberland ... [et al.] ; foreword by E. Wyllys Andrews, V
University of New Mexico Press c1992
Pictures of Record c1983
静止画像(投影) (スライド)
National Geographic Society-Tulane University Program of Research on the Yucatan Peninsula ; Clemency Coggins ; [Jennifer S.H. Brown, E. Wyllys Andrews V, editors]
Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University c1983 Publication / Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University 49
: pbk.
E. Wyllys Andrews IV and E. Wyllys Andrews V ; with an appendix on vertebrate faunal remains by Elizabeth S. Wing and David Steadman ; [Jennifer S.H. Brown, editor]
Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University 1980 Publication / Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University 48
[E. Willy Andrews V.]
Ministerio de Educación, Dirección de Publicaciones [1979] Colección Antropología e historia no. 15 . Administración del patrimonio cultural ; lingüística
by E. Wyllys Andrews V
Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia [1978] Official guide of the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
por E. Wyllys Andrews V
Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia [1978]
James B. Stoltman . Joseph W. Ball and E. Wyllys Andrews V
Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University 1978 Occasional paper / Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University 2-3
E. Wyllys Andrews V
Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University 1976 Publication / Middle American Research Institute, Tulane University 42