Naṣūḥ, Maṭrāḳçī, 16th cent.


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Nasuh, Matrakçı, active 16th century

Matrakçı Nasuh, active 16th century Matrakçı Nasuh, active 16th century

Naṣūḥ b. Abdullah, active 16th century

Naṣūḥ b. Karagöz el-Bosnevı̂, active 16th century

Maṭrāqçi Naṣūh, ̣ active 16th century

Naṣūḥ, el-Miṭrāḳī, active 16th century

Naṣūḥüʾs-Silāḥī, active 16th century

Naṣūḥ b. Karagöz b. Abdullah, active 16th century

İbn Karagöz, active 16th century

Nasuh Efendi Matrakçı, active 16th century

Nasûh-i Matrakī, active 16th century

Matrakçı, active 16th century

Maṭrāḳī, active 16th century

Naṣūḥ, al-Silāḥī, active 16th century

Nasuh Matrakçĭ, active 16th century

Naṣūḥ Maṭrāqʹchī, active 16th century

Maṭrāqīʹzādah, active 16th century

Muṭrāqīʹzādah, active 16th century

نصوح، بمطراقى، active 16th century

Nasuh, Matrakçı, 16th cent

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