Engelbach, R. (Reginald)
by Somers Clarke and R. Engelbach
Dover Publications 1990 Dover books on architecture
edited by R. Engelbach
General Organisation for G.P.O. 1961 2nd ed
Imprimerie de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale 1946
by the late Somers Clarke and R. Engelbach
Oxford University Press , Humphrey Milford 1930
by Guy Brunton, O.B.E., and Reginald Engelbach
British school of archaeology in Egypt [etc.] 1927 British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian research account 24th year, 1918. [Publication no. 41]
by R. Engelbach ; inscriptions by Battiscombe Gunn
British School of Archaeology in Egypt, University College : B. Quaritch 1923 British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian research account 20th year, 1914. [Publication no. 28]
by R. Engelbach
T. Fisher Unwin 1923
by R. Engelbach ; with chapters by M.A. Murray, H. Flinders Petrie, W.M. Flinders Petrie
School of Archaeology in Egypt, University College : Bernard Quaritch 1915 British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian research account 19th year, 1913. [Publication no. 26]
by Alan H. Gardiner and Arthur E.P. Weigall
Bernard Quaritch 1913-1924
[Main] , [Suppl.]