Forman, B. (Bedřich)
Bedřich Forman
Magna Books 1992
Text von Lubor Hájek ; Fotografien von Bedřich Forman ; [aus dem Tschechischen übersetzt von Eva Švorčiková]
Dausien c1990 2. Aufl
Lubor Hájek ; [translated by Helena Krejčová ; revised by Vera Gissing ; graphic design by Bedřich Forman]
Galley Press 1989
Bedřich Forman; [traduction française de Raphael Rodriguez]
Editions Cercle d'art c1988
photographs by Werner Forman ; text by Rudolf Mrázek and Bedřich Forman ; foreword by James A. Boon
Harper & Row 1983 Echoes of the ancient world
Bedřich Forman, [den beitrag "Borobudur, eine versteinerte Botschaft?" schrieb Vratislav Jan Žižka, aus dem tschechischen von Wolf B. Oerter]
Dausien c1980
text by Josef Hejzlar : photographs by B. Forman ; [translated by Till Gottheinerová]
Octopus Books 1978
Lubor Hájek ; photographies de Bedr̆ich Forman ; [traduit par France Marie Patkous]
P. Belfond c1976
Dausien c1976
J. Hejzlar ; with photographs by W. and B. Forman ; [translated by Till Gottheiner]
Hamlyn c1973
text and notes by N.Y. Biryukova ; photography by W. and B. Forman
Paul Hamlyn c1965
by Werner and Bedřich Forman ; text by Milada Vilímková ; translated by Till Gottheiner ; with a preface by Mohammed H. Abd-ur-Rahman
Peter Nevill c1962
[design by Bedřich Forman ; photographs by Werner Forman ; translated by Ota Vojtíšek]
Westbook House c1962
Photographien von W. u. B. Forman ; Text von M. Deneck
Artia c1962
photographs by W. and B. Forman ; text by M.M. Deneck ; [translated by Iris Urwin]
Spring Books 1962
par W. et B. Forman et Ramses Wissa Wassef
Artia c1961
[photographs by] W. and B. Forman ; [with an introduction and notes to the plates by Philip Dark
P. Hamlyn c1960
von W. und B. Forman und Philip Dark ; [Deutsch von Gustav Solar]
Artia c1960
Aufnahmen und Buchgestaltung W. und B. Forman : Text von J. Hejzlar
text by Lubor Hájek ; photographs by Werner Forman ; graphic design by BedrichForman ; translated by Arnost Jappel
Spring Books c1960