Michael Grubb with Jean-Charles Hourcade and Karsten Neuhoff
Routledge 2014
: hbk
Michael Grubb, Tooraj Jamasb, Michael G. Pollitt
Cambridge University Press 2008 Occasional papers / University of Cambridge. Dept. of Applied Economics 68
: hardback : alk. paper
editors, Michael Grubb, Regina Betz and Karsten Neuhoff
Earthscan 2007, c2006 Climate policy v. 6, issue 4, 2006
editors, Michael Grubb and Karsten Neuhoff
Earthscan 2006 Climate policy v.6, issue 1, 2006
edited by Anna Korppoo, Jacqueline Karas and Michael Grubb
Chatham House c2006
: pbk
guest editors, Bert Metz and Mike Hulme ; editor-in-chief Michael Grubb
Earthscan c2005 Climate policy 5, 2005
マイケル・グラブ, クリスティアン・フローレイク, ダンカン・ブラック共著 ; 松尾直樹監訳
省エネルギーセンター 2000.11
edited by Joyeeta Gupta and Michael Grubb
Kluwer Academic Publishers c2000 Environment & policy v. 27
Duncan Brack with Michael Grubb and Craig Windram
Royal Institute of International Affairs, Energy and Environmental Programme : Earthscan 2000 Trade and environment series
Michael Grubb with Christiaan Vrolijk and Duncan Brack ; additional contributions from Tim Forsyth, John Lanchbery and Fanny Missfeldt
The Royal Institute of International Affairs. Energy and Environmental Programme 1999
: hard , : pbk
edited by Dean Anderson, Michael Grubb
The Royal Institute of International Affairs 1997 Academic ed
Michael Grubb ... [et al.]
Royal Institute of International Affairs, Energy and Environmental Programme 1997 2nd ed
Michael Grubb with Roberto Vigotti
The Royal Institute of International Affairs : Earthscan Pub. 1997 Renewable energy strategies for Europe / Michael Grubb vol. 2
ed. by Matthew Paterson, Michael Grubb
Royal Institute of International Affairs 1996
Michael Grubb
The Royal Institute of International Affairs : Earthscan Pub. 1995 Renewable energy strategies for Europe / Michael Grubb v. 1
: pbk.
The Royal Institute of International Affairs : Earthscan Pub.
edited by Michael Grubb and Dean Anderson
Energy and Environmental Programme, Royal Institute of International Affairs 1995
マイケル・グラブ [ほか] 著 ; 英国王立国際問題研究所編 ; 環境調査センター訳
環境調査センター [1994]
edited by Richard L. Garwin, Michael Grubb ans Emma Matanle
Kluwer Academic Publishers c1994
Pier Vellinga and Michael Grubb (eds)
Energy and Environmental Programme, Royal Institute of International Affairs 1993