Francis Warner
Colin Smythe 2002
by Francis Warner
C. Smythe , Dufour Editions [distributor] 1995 Oxford theatre texts 12
Colin Smythe 1994
set , v.1 , v.2
C. Smythe , Dufour Editions [distributor] 1993 Oxford theatre texts 11
C. Smythe , Dufour Editions [distributor] 1990 Oxford theatre texts 10
C. Smythe , U.S. distributor, Dufour Editions 1988 Oxford theatre texts 9
Ingrid Melander
Universitetet i Umeå , Distributed by Almqvist & Wiksell International 1987 Acta Universitatis Umensis . Umeå studies in the humanities ; 79
C. Smythe , Humanities Press [distributor] 1985 Oxford theatre texts 8
Francis Warner ; with an introd. by Tim Prentki
C. Smythe , distributed by Humanities Press 1980
: pbk.
a play by Francis Warner
Oxford Theatre Texts , Represented by Carcanet Press c1974 Requiem pt. 3 , Oxford theatre texts 4
: cloth , : pbk
Pilgrim Press [1970]
Appleton and Company 1902 The international scientific series
Oxford Theatre Texts , Represented by Carcanet Press