Norbu, Namkhai
Rinpoche, Namkhai Norbu
Rinpoche, Namkhaï Norbu
Chögyal Namkhai Norbu
N. ノルブ(N. ノルブ)
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曲杰・南喀诺布著 ; 向红笳,才让太译
中国藏学出版社 2014.5
Available at 2 libraries
translation and commentary by Keith Dowman ; foreword by Namkhai Norbu
Wisdom Publications c2010
: pbk
Available at 1 libraries
Namkhai Norbu ; translated from Tibetan, edited and annotated by Adriano Clemente with the precious help of the author ; translated from Italian into English by Andrew Lukianowicz ; coordinated by Laura Evangelisti
Snow Lion Publications c2008
Namkhai Norbu ; edited by Jim Valby and Adriano Clemente
Snow Lion Publications c2006
by Namkhai Norbu ; edited and introduced by Michael Katz
Snow Lion Publications c2002 Rev. and enl. ed
ナムカイ・ノルブ著 ; 永沢哲訳
大法輪閣 2002.9
Available at 19 libraries
by Namkhai Norbu ; compiled and edited by John Shane
Snow Lion Publications c2000
Longchenpa ; translated by Kennard Lipman and Merrill Peterson under the inspiration of Namkhai Norbu
法藏館 2000.12
Available at 31 libraries
法藏館 2000.5
Available at 39 libraries
Namkhai Norbu, Adriano Clemente ; translated from Italian into English by Andrew Lukianowicz
Snow Lion Publications c1999
南喀诺布著 ; 万果, 佘万治译
民族出版社 1997.10
foreword by Namkhai Norbu ; translation, introduction and commentaries by John Myrdhin Reynolds
Snow Lion Publications 1996 1st ed
Namkhai Norbu ; edited by Adriano Clemente ; and translated into English by John Shane
Snow Lion Publications c1996
Nam-mkhaʾi-nor-bus brtsams
Kruṅ-goʾi Bod kyi śes rig dpe skrun khaṅ : Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe tshoṅ khaṅ gis bkram 1996
by Namkhai Norbu ; translated from Tibetan into Italian, edited, and annotated by Adriano Clemente ; translated from Italian into English by Andrew Lukianowicz
Library of Tibetan Works and Archives c1995
Available at 3 libraries
Namkhaï Norbu Rinpoché ; textes rassemblés par John Shane ; traduits de l'anglais par Bruno Espaze
A. Michel c1995 Spiritualités vivantes 135
地湧社 1994.3
Available at 21 libraries
Kruṅ-goʾi Bod kyi śes rig dpe skrun khaṅ 1994
Namkhaï Norbu Rinpoche ; traduit par Arnaud Pozin
Deux océans c1994