Mahar Mangahas
Social Weather Stations 2004 SWS occasional paper
Linda Luz Guerrero and Mahar Mangahas
Social Weather Stations c2003 SWS occasional paper
Mahar Mangahas and Geraldine Asis
Social Weather Stations c2002 SWS occasional paper
Mahar Mangahas, Linda Luz B. Guerrero, Gerardo A. Sandoval
Social Weather Stations 2001 SWS occasional paper
Social Weather Stations 2000 SWS occasional paper
Social Weather Stations 1999 SWS occasional paper
Mahar Mangahas ; with Course outline and reading list for COM 286.1 : opinion polls, listening to the public / Mahar Mangahas and Linda Luz Guerrero
Social Weather Stations 1999
Mahar Mangahas and Linda Luz Guerrero
Social Weather Stations 1998 SWS occasional paper
Gerardo Sandoval, Mahar Mangahas and Linda Luz Guerrero
Mahar Mangahas ... [et al.]
Social Weather Stations 1996
Social Weather Stations [1995]
Social Weather Stations 1994 SWS occasional paper