Chen, Lincoln
edited by Lincoln C. Chen, Michael R. Reich, and Jennifer Ryan
Indiana University Press c2017 China medical board centennial series
edited by Jennifer Ryan, Lincoln C. Chen, Tony Saich ; foreword by Peter Geithner and Wang Zhenyao
Indiana University Press c2014 Philanthropic and nonprofit studies , China medical board centennial series
: pbk
edited by Barbara J. Merz, Lincoln C. Chen and Peter F. Geithner
Orient Blackswan 2009, c2007
W. Henry Mosley, Lincoln C. Chen, editors
Cambridge University Press 2008 Population and development review : a supplement v. 10
editors, Barbara J. Merz, Lincoln C. Chen, Peter F. Geithner
Published by Global Equity Initiative, Asia Center, Harvard University : Distributed by Harvard University Press 2007 Studies in global equity
editors, Peter F. Geithner, Paula D. Johnson, Lincoln C. Chen
Global Equity Initiative, Asia Center, Harvard University , Distributed by Harvard University Press 2004 Studies in global equity
edited by Lincoln Chen, Sakiko Fukuda-Parr and Ellen Seidensticker
Global Equity Initiative Asia Center, Harvard University , Distributed by Harvard University Press 2003 Studies in global equity
edited by Lincoln Chen, Jennifer Leaning, and Vasant Narasimhan
Global Equity Initiative : Asia Center, Harvard University , Harvard University Press [Distributer] 2003 Studies in global equity
edited by George Martine, Monica Das Gupta, and Lincoln C. Chen
Oxford University Press 1998
edited by Monica Das Gupta, Lincoln C. Chen, T.N. Krishnan
Oxford University Press 1998 Gender studies , Oxford India paperbacks
edited by Tatsuro Matsumae and Lincoln C. Chen
Tokai University Press c1997
Sudhir Anand, Lincoln Chen
United Nations Development Programme, Office of Development Studies c1996 Discussion paper series 3
Oxford University Press 1996
Oxford University Press 1995 Gender studies
: pbk.
Tokai University Press c1995
Gita Sen, Adrienne Germain, Lincoln C. Chen, editors
Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies , International Women's Health Coaliton , Distributed by Harvard University Press 1994 Harvard series on population and international health
[edited by] Lincoln C. Chen, Arthur Kleinman, Norma C. Ware
Dept. of Population and International Health, Harvard School of Public Health : Distributed by Harvard University Press 1994 Harvard series on population and international health
edited by Lincoln C. Chen, Arthur Kleinman, and Norma C. Ware
Auburn House c1992
edited by Lincoln C. Chen, Jaime Sepúlveda Amor, and Sheldon J. Segal ; technical editor, Judith Masslo Anderson
Plenum Press c1991 Reproductive biology
Cambridge University Press c1984 Population and development review : a supplement v.10