by Laura E. Richards and Maud Howe Elliott ; assisted by Florence Howe Hall
Cherokee Pub. Co. 1990
edited by Elizabeth A. Richards and David Rachman
American Marketing Association [c1978] Proceedings series / American Marketing Association
by Laura E. Richards ; with pictures by Henry Richards
University Microfilms 1967 A Legacy library facsimile
Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Russell & Russell [1967, c1936]
by Laura E. Richards
D. Appleton-Century 1935
Houghton Mifflin Company 1916
1 , 2
by Laura E. Richards and Maud Howe Elliott
Houghton Mifflin c1915
by Laura E. Richards ; illustrated by Ethelred B. Barry
Dana Estes c1897 The Margaret series
Page c1895
Dana Estes c1894 The Captain January series / by Laura E. Richards
by Laura E. Richards ; with illustrations by Frank T. Merrill
Estes & Lauriat 1893