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sous la direction de Cecilia Braschi et Denys Riout
In fine : Culturespaces, c2022
Available at 1 libraries
Terhi Génévrier-Tausti, Denys Riout ; [フランス語和訳: 岡田ヴィクトリア朋子, 貞永薫, デルヒ・ジェネヴリエ=タウスティ (協力)]
ディレクタ出版社 c2022
望月かおる [ほか] 編集
カルチュア・コンビニエンス・クラブ株式会社美術出版社書籍編集部 , 美術出版社 (発売) 2022.12
Available at 50 libraries
Terhi Génévrier-Tausti, Denys Riout ; [translation, Charles Penwarden]
Éditions Dilecta c2020
Available at 4 libraries
[ouvrage réalisé sous la direction de Philippe Siauve]
Arteos [2020]
Yves Klein ; présentation par Iris Clert
Editions Allia 2020
Available at 3 libraries
sous la direction d'Emma Lavigne
Centre Pompidou-Metz c2020
Available at 5 libraries
上海文艺出版社 c2019
上海文艺出版社 2019.4
Alberto Burri et al.
Nahmad Contemporary 2017
Joseph Kosuth, Cornelia Lauf
Mazzoleni , Nero c2017
Hannah Weitemeier ; [English translation: John William Gabriel]
Taschen c2021 English ed
[edited by] Matthias Koddenberg ; [English translation and proofreading, Aymone Rassaerts and Stefan Hollstein]
Verlag Kettler , Co-published and distributed in North America by D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers c2016
: D.A.P
[edited by Matthias Koddenberg ; English translation and proofreading, Aymone Rassaerts and Stefan Hollstein]
Verlag Kettler , D.A.P, Distributed Art Publishers c2016 English ed
curated by Joachim Pissarro ; [editors, Serena Cattaneo Adorno and Paul Coulon]
Gagosian Gallery c2016
[Text] , [Illustration]
Available at 6 libraries
[edited by Jennifer G. Buonocore]
Dominique Lévy c2013
Available at 2 libraries
Éditions Dilecta , Buchhandlung Walther König [distributor] [2013]
text by Frédéric Prot ; afterwrod by Patti Smith
5 Continents c2013
texte Frédéric Prot ; postface Patti Smith
5 Continents c2012
Klaus Ottmann
Polígrafa 2010