Lala Lajpat Rai
Rai, Lala Lajpat
Rāya, Lājpat
Rai, Lajpat
Lajpatrai, Lala
Lālā Lājapata Rāya
Lājapatarāya, Lālā
لالہ الجپت را ئے
लाजपतराय, लाला
Search authors sharing the same name
edited by Vijaya Chandra Joshi
University Publishers 1965
Available at 5 libraries
by Lajpat Rai ; with a preface by Sidney Webb
Uttar Chand Kapur & Sons 1932
Available at 1 libraries
[Bhārata-Gaurava-Granthamālā] 1931 भारत-गौरव-ग्रंथमाला pushpa 97 vẽ
लेखक, लाला लाजपतराय
इंडियन प्रेस 1928
by Lajpat Rai
Banna 1928
Available at 6 libraries
Banna 1928 Popular ed. (revised & enlarged)
Banna 1928 2nd ed., rev. & enl
Available at 8 libraries
by Lajpat Rai ; with a foreword by Josiah C. Wedgwood
Servants of the People Society 1927
S. Ganesan 1924
लेखक, सुखसंपत्तिराय भण्डारी ; भूमिका लेखक, लाला लाजपतराय
हिन्दी साहित्य मन्दिर , मिलने का पता, हिन्दी साहित्य मन्दिर 1921 हिन्दी नवयुग ग्रन्थमाला 13. ग्रन्थ
Ganesh 1921
Available at 3 libraries
लाला लाजपत राय ; केशव प्रसाद सिंह द्वारा अनुवादित
माधव प्रसाद 1921 3. संस्करण
by Lala Lajpat Rai
Tagore 1920
George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1920
Available at 10 libraries
[s.n.] 1919
R. Chatterjee 1919 2nd ed
Available at 2 libraries
B. W. Huebsch 1919
von Lala Lajpat Rai ; bearbeitet und herausgegeben vom Europäischen Zentralkomitee der Indischen Nationalisten
O. Wigand 1918 2. Aufl
Lajpat Rai ; foreword by J.T. Sunderland
Huebsch 1917 2nd ed
Available at 9 libraries
B. W. Huebsch 1917