Conference on Dynamical Processes in the Excited States of Solids, International
guest editors, B. Jacquier, M.-F. Joubert, H.P.Trommsdorff
Elsevier c2001 Journal of Luminescence v. 94-95
guest editors, P. Reineker, M. Schreiber, R.S. Meltzer
Elsevier c1998 Journal of Luminescence v. 76-77
guest editors, G.D. Jones, R.J.Reeves
Elsevier 1995 Journal of Luminescence v. 66-67, no. 1-6
editor: R. Silbey
North-Holland , Elsevier 1994 Journal of Luminescence v. 58, no. 1-6
editors: M. Glasbeek, R.S. Meltzer and S. Völker
North-Holland 1992 Journal of Luminescence vol. 53
editors: R.S. Meltzer, J.E. Rives and W.M. Yen
North-Holland 1990 Journal of Luminescence v. 45
editors: Shigeo Shionoya, Takashi Kushida, Eiichi Hanamura
North-Holland 1987 Journal of Luminescence vol. 38