Wetherell, Elizabeth
by the author of "Wide wide world," and the author of "Dollars and cents."
Belser Wiss. Dienst c1989 [Repro. to order] Edition Corvey . English language titles
マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
by Susan Warner ; afterword by Jane Tompkins ; illustrated by Frederick Dielman
Feminist Press at the City University of New York 1987 1st Feminist Press ed
: pbk , : hard
by Elizabeth Wetherell ; illustrated by Frederick Dielman
Scholarly Press 1978
ウェザレル著 ; 伊藤佐喜雄編著
偕成社 1973.6 少女名作シリーズ 25
ウェザレル [作] ; 村岡みどり訳
岩崎書店 1968 世界少女名作全集 19
ウエザレル著 ; 村岡花子訳
三笠書房 1957.4 若草文庫ポケットサイズ
[ウエザレル著] ; 村岡花子著
ポプラ社 1952.8 世界名作物語
エリザベス・ウエザレル作 ; 村岡花子著
ひまわり社 1950.12
by Elizabeth Wetherell
"Review of Reviews" Office [19--] Books for the Bairns 10
J.B. Lippincott 1895 New ed
by the author of "The wide, wide world" [i.e. Elizabeth Wetherell]
G. Routledge [ca. 1880]
by the author of 'The wide, wide world,' 'The golden ladder,' 'Queechy' etc
James Nisbet 1876
George Routledge [1864]
by the author of "The wide, wide world"
Routledge [1864]
Walter Scott [1850] Complete ed
by Susan Warner
Charles H. Kelly [1850]
Hurst [18--}
William Glaisher [18--]
Donohue, Henneberry [18--]
T. Nelson [1---]