O'Hara, Abel
O'Hara family (i.e. John and Michael Banim)
[Kessinger] [200-?] Kessinger Publishing's legacy reprints
v. 3
O'Hara family (Banim, John u. Michael)
Belser Wiss. Dienst c1989 [Repro. to order] Edition Corvey . English language titles
ser. 1 , ser. 2 マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
(Banim, John)
Belser Wiss. Dienst c1988 [Repro. to order] Edition Corvey . English language titles
マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
O'Hara family (Banim, John)
John Banim ; with an introd. by Robert Lee Wolff
Garland Pub. 1979 Ireland, from the Act of Union, 1800, to the death of Parnell, 1891 24
[1] , [2] , [3]
John Banim ; with an introduction by Robert Lee Wolff
Garland Pub. 1978 Ireland, from the Act of Union, 1800, to the death of Parnell, 1891
v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3
Michael Banim ; with an introd. by Robert Lee Wolff
Garland 1978 Ireland, from the Act of Union, 1800, to the death of Parnell, 1891 22