Śūdraka, rājah of Māgadha
translated by Revilo Pendleton Oliver ; adapted by James Roose-Evans . Stève Passeur ; adapted by Yvonne Mitchell . Pauline Macaulay . Terence Feely
Elek books c1965 Plays of the year / chosen by J. C. Trewin v. 29, 1964-1965
शूद्रककविप्रणीतं ; संस्कृत-व्यख्याकारः महाप्रभुलाल गोस्वामी ; हिन्दी-व्यख्याकारः रमाकान्त द्विवेदी ; सम्पादकः रामानुज ओझा ; प्रस्तावना-लेखकः कान्तानाथ शास्त्री तेलंग
चौखम्बा-संस्कृत-सीरिज आफिस 2019 [1962] हरिदास-संस्कृत-ग्रन्थमाला 252
by M.R. Kale
Booksellers' Pub. 1962 New ed
M.R. Kale
Motilal Banarsidass 1962
: cloth , : paper
revised fuller edition, by K.V. Sarma ; with a preface by V. Raghavan
Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute c1962
महाकवि शूद्रककृत ; रूपान्तरकार, मोहन राकेश
राजकमल प्रकाशन c1961
anuādaka Raṅgeya Rāghava
Rājapāla eṇḍa sanza 1961 2. saṃśodhita saṃskaraṇa
अनुवादक-सम्पादक मोतीचन्द्र, वासुदेवशरण अग्रवाल
हिन्दी ग्रन्थ रत्नाकर कार्यालय प्राइवेट 1960 1. संस्करण
辻直四郎 [ほか] 訳
筑摩書房 1959.5 世界文學大系 4
door Johannes Reinoud Abraham Loman
Uitgeverij de Driehoek 1956
संस्कृत टीकाकारः महाप्रभुलाल गोस्वामी ; हिन्दीटीकाकारः रमाकान्त द्विवेदी ; सम्पादकः रामानुज ओझा ; प्रस्तावना लेखकः कान्तानाथ शास्त्री तेलंग
चौखम्बा-संस्कृत-सीरिज आफिस 1954 हरिदास-संस्कृत-ग्रन्थमाला 252
by G.K. Bhat
New Order Book 1953
शूद्रककविविरचितं ; नारायण राम आचार्य "काव्यतीर्थ" इत्येतैष्टिप्पण्यादिभिः समलंकृत्य संशोधितम्
निर्णयसागर-मुद्रणालयम् 1950 8. संस्करणम्
edited with a complete translation into English, introduction, notes and appendices by R.D. Karmarkar
Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan 1950 The Vrajajivan Indological studies 10
R.D. Karmarkar 1950 (Poona : Aryabhushan Press) 2nd ed
von König Schûdraka ; aus dem indischen Urtext übersetzt und für die Bühne bearbeiteit von Hertha Martens und Kurt Martens
Heinrich F.S. Bachmair 1947
attributed to King Sūdraka ; now newly translated from the Sanskrit with introd. and notes by Revilo Pendleton Oliver
University of Illinois Press 1938 Illinois studies in language and literature vol. 23, no. 1-2
translated from the original Sanskrit and Prākrits into English prose andverse by Arthur William Ryder
Harvard University Press 1937 Harvard oriental series vol. 9
edited with the commentary of Pṛithvidhara (enlarged where necessary), various readings, a literal English translation, notes, and an exhaustive introduction by M.R. Kale
P.S. Rege , Soled by the Sri-Krishna Pub. 1924 1st ed
edited with critical and explanatory notes in English, plot in Sanskrit etc., etc. by Pandit Hīrānanda Mūlarāja Śarmā Śāstrī and Kāśināth Pāndurang Parab
Tukaram Javaji 1910 2nd ed.