Gironés, Lorenzo
by Wessely and Gironés = por Wessely y Gironés
Blue Ribbon Books 1943
by Wessely and Girones
Follett Publishing 1941 Rev. ed The junior classic series
Blue Ribbon Books 1940 Thoroughly revised and rewritten by Louis Tolhausen and George Payn = Enteramente enmendadas y aumentadas por Louis Tolhausen y Jorge Payn
por F. Alsina ; bajo la dirección de L. Gironés
Cuartel General del Cuerpo de Ejército de Galicia 1938
by Wessely, Gironés, Tolhausen, and Payn ; thoroughly revised and extended by the inclusion of words im modern use by F.A. Kipkpatric
G. Routledge 1936
by Wessely and Gironés ; thoroughly revised and entirely re-written by Louis Tolhausen and George Payn = par Wessely y Gironés ; enteramente enmendado y aumentado por Luis Tolhausen y Jorge Payn
Regan 1923 34th ed
G. Routledge 1913
G. Routledge and Sons [19--?] 30nd ed., throughly rev. and entirely re-written by Louis Tolhausen and George Payn Routledge's new pocket dictionaries
by J.E. Wessely and A. Girones
G. Routledge [19--] Routledge's new pocket dictionaries
G. Routledge and Sons [19--?] 22nd ed., throughly rev. and entirely re-written by Louis Tolhausen and George Payn Routledge's new pocket dictionaries
G. Routledge [19--]
by Wessely & Gironés ; revised by L. Tolhausen & G. Payn
T. Fisher Unwin [1---] Wessely's pocket dictionaries
T. Fisher Unwin , Bernhard Tauchnitz [1---] Wessely's pocket dictionaries
by Wessely and Gironés ; thoroughly revised and rewritten by Louis Tolhausen and George Payn = por Wessely y Gironés ; enteramente enmendadas y aumentadas por Louis Tolhausen y Jorge Payn
A.L. Burt [1---]
S. Low, Marston [1---] 19th ed., throughly rev. and entirely re-written / by Louis Tolhausen and George Payn = 19a ed., enteramente enmendada y aum. / por Luis Tolhausen y Jorge Payn