Runte, Roseann

検索結果4件中 1-4 を表示

  • Dramas of desire . Visions of beauty

    editors, Ziva Ben-Porat, Hana Wirth-Nesher . editors, Roseann Runte, Hans R. Runte

    Telecommunications Association , University of Tokyo Press c1995 The force of vision : proceedings of the XIIIth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association = Actes du XIIIème Congrès de l'Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée 1


  • Oralité et littérature : actes du XIème Congrès de l'Association internationale de littérature comparée (Paris, août 1985) = Orality and literature : proceedings of the XIth Congress of the International Comparative Litterature Association (Paris, August, 1985)

    édité par Hans R. Runte et Roseann Runte = edited by Hans R. Runte and Roseann Runte

    P. Lang c1991 Actes du symposium de l'Association internationale de littérature comparée XIème congrès international (Paris, août 1985) = Proceedings of the International Comparative Literature Association, XIth international congress (Paris, August 1985) vol. 4

    : pbk


  • Man and nature = L'homme et la nature

    edited by Roger L. Emerson, Gilles Girard and Roseann Runte

    Published for the Society by the Faculty of Education, the University of Western Ontario 1982 Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies = Actes de la Société canadienne d'étude du dix-huitième siècle v. 1


  • Studies in eighteenth-century culture

    [American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies]

    University of Wisconsin Press 1975-

    v. 4 , v. 5 , v. 6 , v. 7 , v. 8 , v. 9 , v. 10 , v. 11 , v. 12 , v. 13 , v. 14 , v. 15 , v. 16 , v. 17 , v. 18 , v. 19 , v. 20 , v. 21 , v. 22 , v. 23 , v. 24 , v. 25 , v. 26 , v. 27 , v. 28 , v. 29 , v. 30 , v. 31 , v. 32 , v. 33 , v. 34 , v. 35 , v. 36 , v. 37 , v. 38 , v. 39 , v. 40 , v. 41 , v. 42 , v. 43 , v. 44 , v. 45 , v. 46 , v. 47 , v. 48

