Alexander, Lloyd
Alexander, Lloyd Chudley
アリグザンダー, ロイド(アリグザンダー, ロイド)
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ロイド・アリグザンダー〔著〕 ; 神宮輝夫訳
評論社 1977.4 児童図書館・文学の部屋 ロイド・アリグザンダー ユーモア作品集
Available at 21 libraries
Available at 3 libraries
L.アリグザンダー著 ; 神宮輝夫訳
評論社 1976.6 児童図書館・文学の部屋 . プリデイン物語||プリデイン モノガタリ ; 4
Available at 52 libraries
by Lloyd Alexander ; illustrated by Laszlo Kubinyi
E.P. Dutton c1975
Available at 2 libraries
評論社 1974.7 児童図書館・文学の部屋 . プリデイン物語||プリデイン モノガタリ ; 3
Available at 48 libraries
Lloyd Alexander ; illustrated by Lester Abrams
World's Work 1974 A World's Work children's book
Available at 1 libraries
評論社 1973.8 児童図書館・文学の部屋 . プリデイン物語||プリデイン モノガタリ ; 2
Available at 54 libraries
Lloyd Alexander
Fontana Lions 1973, c1964
Bantam Doubleday Dell c1973 A Yearling book
by Lloyd Alexander ; pictures by Margot Zemach
Holt, Rinehart and Winston c1973 [1st ed.]
Dutton c1973 [1st ed.]
Available at 4 libraries
評論社 1972.12 児童図書館・文学の部屋 . プリデイン物語||プリデイン モノガタリ ; 1
Available at 61 libraries
Holt, Rinehart and Winston c1972 [1st ed.]
Lloyd Alexander ; illustrated by Ezra Jack Keats
Dutton 1971 [1st ed]
by Lloyd Alexander
Dutton c1970 [1st ed.]
Henry Holt and company c1968 A Holt reinforced ed.
Holt, Rinehart and Winston 1968 [1st ed.]
Holt, Rinehart and Winston [1967] [1st ed.]
Henry Hold and company c1966
Henry Holt and company c1965