Meek, T. J.


Alias Name

Meek, Theophile James, b. 1881

ミーク, T. J.(ミーク, T. J.)

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  • قانون نامۀ حمورابي

    ترجمه كاميار عبدي

    سازمان ميراث فرهنگي كشور 1373 [1994] چاپ 1 سازمان میراث فرهنگی کشور 26

    Available at 1 libraries

  • ヘブル宗教の起源

    T.J.ミーク著 ; 平出亨訳

    日本基督教団出版局 1967

    Available at 42 libraries

  • Hebrew origins

    Theophile James Meek

    Harper & Row 1960 1st Harper Torchbook ed Harper torchbooks TB69

    Available at 8 libraries

  • Hebrew origins

    by Theophile James Meek

    Harper & Brothers, 1950 Rev. ed

    Available at 7 libraries

  • Old Akkadian, Sumerian, and Cappadocian texts from Nuzi

    by Theophile James Meek

    Harvard University Press , Oxford University Press 1935 Harvard Semitic series v. 10 . Excavations at Nuzi / conducted by the Semitic Museum and the Fogg Art Museum of Harvard University, with the coöperation of the American Shool of Oriental Research at Bagdad ; v. 3

    Available at 2 libraries

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