Unión Panamericana
União Pan-americana
Organization of American States. Pan American Union
パン・アメリカン・ユニオン(パン アメリカン ユニオン)
Union panaméricaine
International Bureau of the American Republics
Organization of American States. General Secretariat
Inter-American Juridical Committee
Pan American Union 1958
prepared by the Secretariat for the Inter-American Economic and Social Council
In-house reproduction
マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィルム (リール))
Pan American Union 1957
Legal Division Department of International Law, Pan American Union , 1985 2nd ed Treaty series 9
パン・アメリカン・ユニオン篇 ; [欧米局第三課訳]
[外務省欧米局第三課] 1956.5 米三資料 / [欧米局第三課編] 第93号
Pan American Union [1955]
Division of Conferences and Organizations, Department of International Law, Pan American Union 1954 Conferences and organizations series no. 36
Divison of Law and Treaties, Dept. of International Law, Pan American Union 1955 2nd ed., rev. and enl. / by Jose T. Nabuco
Pan American Union [1954]
日本海外協会連合会 [編]
日本海外協会連合会 1954.2
Division of Conferences and Organizations, Department of International Law, Pan American Union 1954 Congress and conference series no. 69
Inter-American Economic and Social Council
Pan American Union 1954 Conferences and organizations series no. 33
Instituto Interamericano de Estadística
Unión Panamericana 1954- 2. ed
no. 2 , no. 3 , no. 4 , no. 5 , no. 6 , no. 8 , no. 9 , no. 10 , no. 11 , no. 12 , no. 13 , no. 14 , no. 16 , no. 17 , no. 18 , no. 20 , no. 22
Pan American Union 1954 Congress and conference series no. 69
Pan American Union 1954 Congress and conference series no. 66
Pan American Union 1952
Pan American Union 1951-
no. 19, rev. to may 7, 1951 , June 1964