屈, 原 クツ, ゲン qu, yuan


Alias Name

Qu, Yuan

Qu, Yŭan

Kutsu, Gen, ca.ca. 277 B.C

Qu, Yuan, ca.ca. 277 B.C

Keŭh, Yuen, ca.ca. 277 B.C

Ping, Chʿü, ca.ca. 277 B.C

Chʿü, Pʿing, ca.ca. 277 B.C

Yüan, Küh, ca.ca. 277 B.C

Chʿü, Yüan, ca.ca. 277 B.C

Kʿüh, Yüan, ca.ca. 277 B.C

T︠S︡i︠u︡ĭ, I︠U︡anʹ, ca.ca. 277 B.C

Kʾiu, Yuan, ca.ca. 277 B.C

Kʿü, Yüan, ca.ca. 277 B.C

Search authors sharing the same name

Search Results21-40 of 65

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  • La Lisao

    verkis, Qu Yŭan ; tradukis, Licius

    Hunan-a Esperanto-Asocio 1989

    Available at 1 libraries

  • The Nine Songs : a study of Shamanism in ancient China

    Arthur Waley

    Unwin Paperbacks 1989, c1955 Mandala books


    Available at 1 libraries

  • 屈原賦選


    遠流出版 1988.7 中國歴代詩人選集 / 劉逸生主編 2

    Available at 1 libraries

  • 离骚 ; 九歌

    屈原著 ; 郭沫若訳

    人民文学出版社 1987.8 中国古典文学小叢書

    Available at 2 libraries

  • La Lisao = 离骚

    verkis, Qu Yŭan ; tradukis, Licius = 屈原 [著]

    [s.n.] 1987

    Available at 1 libraries

  • 屈原赋译注

    屈原著 ; 龚克昌, 彭重光译注

    山东大学出版社 1986.12 中国古典文学今译丛书

    Available at 3 libraries

  • Цюй Юань : истоки и проблемы творчества

    Н.Т. Федоренко

    Изд-во "Наука," Глав. ред. восточной лит-ры 1986

    Available at 2 libraries

  • 屈原赋选

    刘逸生主编 ; 王涛选注

    广东人民出版社 1984.8 中國歴代詩人選集 / 劉逸生主編

    Available at 4 libraries

  • 屈原赋译释

    [屈原撰] ; 张家英 [译释]

    黒龙江人民出版社 1982.1

    Available at 22 libraries

  • 屈原賦選

    劉逸生主編 ; 王濤選注

    三聯書店香港分店 1981.12 中國歴代詩人選集 / 劉逸生主編

    Available at 13 libraries

  • Li Sao and other poems of Qu Yuan

    [translated by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang]

    Foreign Languages Press 1980 3rd ed

    Available at 2 libraries

  • 九歌

    屈原著 ; 文骁辑注

    人民文学出版社 1979.6 北京第2版 文学小丛书

    Available at 23 libraries

  • The Li Sao : an elegy on encountering sorrows by Ch'ü Yüan of the Ch'u (circa 338-88 B.C.)

    translated into English verse with introd., notes, commentaries, and vocabulary by Lim Boon Keng ; with an introductory note by H. E. Sir Hugh Cliffford, and prefaces by H. A. Giles ・・・[et al.]

    Ch'eng Wen Pub., 1974

    Available at 4 libraries

  • 天問天對註

    [屈原著] ; [柳宗元對] ; 復旦大學中文系古典文學教研組註

    上海人民出版社 1973.11

    Available at 35 libraries

  • The Li sao, an elegy on encountering sorrows : Li sao

    by Qu Yuan ; translated into English verse with introd., notes, commentaries, and vocabulary by Lim Boon Keng ; with an introductory note by Hugh Clifford ; and prefaces by H. A. Giles, Rabindranath Tagore, Zhen Huanzhang

    Oriental Cultural Service 1972

    Available at 1 libraries

  • 屈原賦今譯


    華聯出版社 1971.8


    Available at 2 libraries

  • 屈原九章今繹

    屈原 [著]

    新月出版社 1969.10

    Available at 6 libraries

  • 楚辭


    集英社 1967.4 漢詩大系 / 青木正兒 [ほか] 編集 3

    Available at 235 libraries

  • 九歌九章淺釋


    天人出版社 1967.12

    Available at 1 libraries

  • 九歌

    屈原著 ; 文驍編注

    人民文学出版社 1963 文学小丛书

    Available at 4 libraries

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