Cardillo, S.
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Florestan , Office Gucchi [distributor] c2018
Musical Sound Recording (Compact Audio Disc)
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Spex , Octavia Record [distributor] 2018, c2018
ALM Records c2017
Sony Classical 2016, c2016
Exton c2016
Denon p2012
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Lohas Classics c2012
Manufactured by Japan Traditional Cultures Foundation , Victor Entertainment [distributor] 2010, c2010 ノイズレスSPアーカイヴズ . Legendary voices from the past = 伝説の歌声||Legendary voices from the past = デンセツ ノ ウタゴエ ; 4
Delos c2008
TDK c2007
音楽之友社 2003 最新・世界名歌曲選集
Printed Music (Full Score)
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Bongiovanni , King International [distributor] [2002], c2001
Delos c2001
ルチアノ・ベルタニョリオ, 藤崎育之共編
音楽之友社 2001.10
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Canyon Classics p2001
音楽之友社 2001
Satoshi Mizuguchi
Exton p2001
Decca p2000
Seven Seas , King Record [distributor] 1999, p1999
NHKサービスセンター p1999 NHK名曲アルバム 8 . 名曲紀行||メイキョク キコウ ; イタリア編