Simon, Maurice


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סימון, משה

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  • Baba bathra = מסכת בבא בתרא

    translated into English with notes and glossary, chapters I-IV by Maurice Simon, chapters V-X by Israel W. Slotki ; under the editorship of I. Epstein = עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי משה סימון וישראל זאב סלוטקי ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטין

    Soncino Press 1989 Hebrew-English edition of the Babylonian Talmud . Seder Neziḳin

    Available at 21 libraries

  • Temurah . Kerithoth . Meʿilah . Kinnim . Tamid . Middoth

    translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by L. Miller ; under the editorship of I. Epstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by I. Porusch ; under the editorship of I. Epstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by I. Porusch . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by S.M. Lehrman ; under the editorship of I. Epstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Maurice Simon ; under the editorship of I. Epstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Maurice Simon ; under the editorship of I. Epstein

    Soncino Press 1989 Hebrew-English edition of the Babylonian Talmud . Seder Kodashim

    Available at 25 libraries

  • Bekoroth . ʿArakin = מסכת בכורות . מסכת ערכין

    translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by L. Miller and Maurice Simon ; under the editorship of I. Epstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Leo Jung ; under the editorship of I. Epstein = עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי ל. מילר, ועל ידי משה סימון ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטין . עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי אליהו יונג ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטין

    Soncino Press c1988 Hebrew-English edition of the Babylonian Talmud . Seder Kodashim

    Available at 20 libraries

  • Taʿanith . Megillah . Ḥagigah = מסכת תענית . מסכת מגילה . מסכת חגיגה

    translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by J. Rabbinowitz ; under the editorship of I. Epstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Maurice Simon ; under the editorship of I. Epstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by I. Abrahams ; under the editorship of I. Epstein = עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי יוספ ראבינאוויץ ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטיין . עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי משה סימון ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטיין . עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי ישראל אברהמס ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטיין

    Soncino Press c1984 Hebrew-English edition of the Babylonian Talmud [9] . Seder Moʿed

    Available at 27 libraries

  • מסכת ברכות = Berakoth

    עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי משה סימון ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטיין = translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Maurice Simon ; under the editorship of I. Epstein ; foreword by J.H. Hertz ; introduction by the editor

    Soncino Press 1984 Hebrew-English edition of the Babylonian Talmud . Seder Zeraʿim

    Available at 23 libraries

  • Rosh hashanah . Beẓah . Sheḳalim

    translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Maurice Simon ; under the editorship of I. Epstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by M. Ginsberg ; under the editorship of I. Epstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by M.H. Segal ; under the editorship of I. Epstein

    Soncino Press c1983 Hebrew-English edition of the Babylonian Talmud . Seder Mo'ed

    Available at 3 libraries

  • Rosh hashanah . Beẓah . Sheḳalim = מסכת ראש השנה . מסכת ביצה . מסכת שקלים/ עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי משה צבי סגל ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטיין

    translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Maurice Simon ; under the editorship of I. Epstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by M. Ginsberg ; under the editorship of I. Epstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by M.H. Segal ; under the editorship of I. Epstein = עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי משה סימון ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטיין . עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי משה שמעון גנזברג ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטיין . .

    Soncino Press c1983 Hebrew-English edition of the Babylonian Talmud . Seder Moʿed

    Available at 23 libraries

  • Giṭṭin = מסכת גיטין

    translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Maurice Simon ; under the editorship of I. Epstein ; introduction by Maurice Simon = עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, על ידי משה סימון ; בעריכת יחזקאל (איזידור ) אפשטיין

    Soncino Press c1977 Hebrew-English edition of the Babylonian Talmud . Seder Nashim

    Available at 23 libraries

  • Baba bathra

    translated into English with notes and glossary, chapters I-IV by Maurice Simon, chapters V-X by Israel W. Slotki ; under the editorship of I. Epstein

    Soncino Press c1976 New ed Hebrew-English edition of the Babylonian Talmud . Seder Neziḳin

    1 , 2

    Available at 8 libraries

  • Speeches, articles and letters of Israel Zangwill

    selected and edited by Maurice Simon ; with a foreword by Edith Ayrton Zangwill

    Hyperion Press 1976 The Rise of Jewish nationalism and the Middle East

    Available at 11 libraries

  • Berakoth

    translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Maurice Simon ; under the editorship of I. Epstein ; foreword by J.H. Hertz ; introduction by the editor

    Soncino Press c1965 Hebrew-English edition of the Babylonian Talmud . Seder Zera'im

    Available at 5 libraries

  • Minor tractates = מסכתות קטנות

    translated into English with notes, glossary and indices, under the editorship of Abraham Cohen = עם פירוש רש''י ותוספות ובצירוף תרגום ופירוש והערות באנגלית, בעריכת אברהם כהן

    Soncino Press c1965 Hebrew-English edition of the Babylonian Talmud

    Available at 26 libraries

  • Giṭṭin

    translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Maurice Simon ; under the editorship of I. Epstein ; introduction by Maurice Simon

    Soncino Press c1963 Hebrew-English edition of the Babylonian Talmud . Seder Nashim

    Available at 4 libraries

  • Temurah . Kerithoth . Meʿilah . Ḳinnim . Tamid . Middoth

    translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by L. Miller ; [under the editorship of I. Epstein] . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by I. Porusch ; [under the editorship of I. Epstein] . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by I. Porusch ; [under the editorship of I. Epstein] . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by S.M. Lehrman ; [under the editorship of I. Epstein] . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Maurice Simon ; [under the editorship of I. Epstein] . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Maurice Simon ; [under the editorship of I. Epstein]

    Soncino Press 1960 The Babylonian Talmud / translated into English with notes, glossary and indices under the editorship of I. Epstein . Seder Ḳodashim

    Available at 3 libraries

  • Bekoroth . ʿArakin

    translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by L. Miller and Maurice Simon ; [under the editorship of I. Epstein] . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Leo Jung ; [under the editorship of I. Epstein]

    Soncino Press 1960 The Babylonian Talmud / translated into English with notes, glossary and indices under the editorship of I. Epstein . Seder Ḳodashim

    Available at 3 libraries

  • Berakoth

    translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Maurice Simon ; [under the editorship of I. Epstein ; foreword by J.H. Hertz ; introduction by the editor]

    Soncino Press 1958 The Babylonian Talmud / translated into English with notes, glossary and indices under the editorship of I. Epstein . Seder Zeraʿim ; 1

    Available at 6 libraries

  • Esther ; Song of songs

    translated by Maurice Simon

    Soncino Press 1951 2nd ed Midrash Rabbah / translated into English with notes, glossary and indices under the editorship of H. Freedman and Maurice Simon ; with a foreword by I. Epstein 9

    Available at 2 libraries

  • Midrash Rabbah

    translated into English with notes, glossary and indices under the editorship of H. Freedman and Maurice Simon ; with a foreword by I. Epstein

    Soncino Press 1951 2nd ed

  • Jewish religious conflicts

    by Maurice Simon

    Hutchinson's University Library 1950 Hutchinson University Library Jewish religion series ; no.48

    Available at 3 libraries

  • Temurah . Kerithoth . Meʿilah . Tamid . Middoth . Ḳinnim

    . . . . .

    Soncino Press 1948 The Babylonian Talmud / translated into English with notes, glossary and indices under the editorship of I. Epstein . Seder Ḳodashim ; [v. 6]

    Available at 6 libraries

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