translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by H. Bornstein . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Israel W. Slotki . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by M.H. Segal . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by M.H. Segal . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by S.M. Lehrman . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by S.M. Lehrman . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by Isidore Fishman . translated into English with notes, glossary and indices by S.M. Lehrman ; [all] under the editorship of I. Epstein
Soncino Press
The Babylonian Talmud / translated into English with notes, glossary and indices under the editorship of I. Epstein
. Mishnayoth Ṭohoroth ; 2