Taylor, Martha

Search Results1-6 of 6

  • Письма и заметки Н.С. Трубецкого

    [вступ. ст. В.Н. Топорова ; подгот. к изд. Р. Якобсона при участии Х. Барана, О. Ронена, М. Тейлор]

    Языки славянской культуры 2004

    Available at 4 libraries

  • La forma sonora de la lengua

    Roman Jakobson y Linda R. Waugh ; asistidos por Martha Taylor ; [traducción de Mónica Mansour]

    Fondo de Cultura Económica 1987 1a ed. en español Sección de obras de lengua y estudios literarios

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Die Lautgestalt der Sprache

    Roman Jakobson, Linda R. Waugh ; unter Mitarbeit von Martha Taylor ; [übersetzt von Christine Shannon und Thomas F. Shannon]

    Walter de Gruyter 1986 Janua linguarum ser. maior ; 75

    Available at 32 libraries

  • N.S. Trubetzkoy's letters and notes

    prepared for publication by Roman Jakobson with the assistance of H. Baran, O. Ronen, and Martha Taylor

    Mouton 1985 [2. Aufl.] Janua linguarum Series maior ; 47

    Available at 25 libraries

  • On verse, its masters and explorers

    Roman Jakobson ; prepared for publication by Stephen Rudy and Martha Taylor

    Mouton 1979 Selected writings / Roman Jakobson v. 5

    Available at 125 libraries

  • N.S. Trubetzkoy's letters and notes

    prepared for publication by Roman Jakobson, with the assistance of H. Baran, O. Ronen and Martha Taylor

    Mouton 1975 Janua linguarum Ser. maior ; 47

    Available at 36 libraries

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