ʿAbbās K̲h̲ān Sarwānī, fl. 1579
Sarvānī, ʿAbbās Khān, fl. 1579
ʿAbbās Khān Sarwānī, fl. 1579
Sarwanay, Abas
'Abbas Khan, Sarwani ; translated and edited by H.M. Elliot, John Dowson
Sang-e-Meel 2006
by Ábbās Khān Sarwānī ; translated from the original Persian by Brahmadeva Prasad Ambashthya
K.P. Jayaswal Research Institute 1974 Historical research series v. 13
edited and translated into English with a critical introduction, annotations, and geographical and historical notes by S.M. Imām al-Dīn
University of Dacca 1964 Dacca University publication no. 30-31
v. 1. Persian text , v. 2. English translation
تالیف, عباس خاں سروانی ; اردو ترجمہ, مظہر علی خاں ولا ; ترتیب و حواشی سیّد معینالحق
سلمان اکیڈیمی 1963 سلسلۂ مطبوعات سلمان اکیڈیمی 8
Susil Gupta 1957 3rd ed
عباس خان سروانی ; مترجمہ, مظہر علی خاں ولا ; ترتیب و حواشی از سیّد معینالحق
سلمان اکیڈیمی [19--?]
Abbas Khan
Susil Gupta 1871 The history of India, as told by its own historians : the Muhammadan period / the posthumous papers of the late Sir H.M. Elliot ; edited by John Dowson