Županović, Lovro

検索結果3件中 1-3 を表示

  • Moteti u pet i šest glasova (1564)

    [Julije Skjavetić] ; priredio Lovro Županović

    Muzički informativni centar Koncertne direkcije Zagreb c1996 Spomenici hrvatske glazbene prošlosti 11. sv. . Vokalne skladbe / Julije Skjavetić ; 1 . Duhovne

    楽譜(印刷) (スコア)


  • Centuries of Croatian music

    Lovro Županović ; translated by Vladimir Ivir

    Music Information Center, Zagreb Concert Management 1984 Studies in Croatian musical culture . Collection of translations ; 3



  • The symphony in Croatia : three symphonies . The symphony in the New World : three symphonies


    Garland Pub. 1984 The Symphony, 1720-1840 : a comprehensive collection of full scores in sixty volumes / Barry S. Brook, editor-in-chief ; Barbara B. Heyman, associate editor Ser. F . Scandinavia, Iberia, Slavic countries, and the Americas ; v. 8 , A Garland series

    楽譜(印刷) (スコア)

