Oestreicher, Geoffrey B.
[prepared by C. Browne, G. Oestreicher, and E. Sidgwick]
International Monetary Fund 1996- IMF staff country report no. 96/107, 98/86
1996 , August 1998
[prepared by a staff team consisting of J. Kakoza ... et al.]
International Monetary Fund 1996 IMF staff country report no. 96/106
International Monetary Fund 1996- IMF staff country report no. 96/105, 98/85
[prepared by Takehiko Nakao, Geoffrey Oestreicher and Sanjaya Panth]
International Monetary Fund 1996 IMF staff country report no. 96/74
[prepared by a staff team consisting of Jonathan D. Ostry, Patricia A. Reynolds, and Michael Sarel]
International Monetary Fund 1995- IMF staff country report no. 97/12, 95/142, 98/52, 00/84
March 1997 , December 1995 , May 1998 , July 2000
[prepared by E. Canetti, G. Oestreicher, and H. Faruqee]
International Monetary Fund 1995- IMF staff country report no. 95/72, 00/20
[1995] , 2000