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А.В. Горскаго
Издание Центра изучения, охраны и реставрации наследия священника Павла Флоренского 1999
Available at 1 libraries
издание подготовлено Т.А. Исаченко
АЦ 1996
Available at 3 libraries
University Microfilms International 1979 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library RH08881
Microform (Microfiche)
s primiechaniiami prot. S. Smirnova
University Microfilms International 1979 Russian history and culture : scarce books on 19th and 20th century Russia from the Helsinki University Library RH08795
А.В. Горскаго и К.И. Невоструева ; съ предисловіемъ и дополненіямми Е.В. Барсова
IDC [19--]
1-6 Microform (Microfiche)