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Georges Duthuit ; introduction d'Yves Bonnefoy
Flammarion c1974 Idées et recherches / collection dirigée par Yves Bonnefoy
: pbk
Available at 2 libraries
Samuel Beckett . Samuel Beckett & Georges Duthuit
John Calder 1965
Available at 12 libraries
Georges Duthuit
Skira c1962
Available at 3 libraries
F. Hazan , 紀伊国屋書店 1956 Petite encyclopédie de l'art 2
von Georges Duthuit ; [Deutsch von Curt Schweicher]
C. Bertelsmann c1956 Kleine Enzyklopädie der Kunst 2
Available at 1 libraries
J. Corti c1956
1 , 2 , 3
Available at 4 libraries
Georges Duthuit ; [translation by Ralph Menheim]
Wittenborn, Schultz c1950 The documents of modern art d.m.a. 11
Available at 9 libraries
Ed. des Trois collines 1949
par Georges Duthuit
G. Van Oest 1931
Stock 1926 La culture moderne nouv. sér. ; 1