illustrated by Rene Mettler ; created by Galimard Jeunesse, Claude Delafosse and Rene Mettler ; [translator: Sarah Matthews]
Moonlight 1992 First discovery
illustrated by James Prunier ; created by Gallimard Jeunesse, Claude Delafosse and James Prunier ; [translator: Sarah Matthews]
Moonlight 1992 First discovery 17
illustrated by Laura Bour ; created by Gallimard Jeunesse and Laura Bour ; [translator: Sarah Matthews]
Moonlight 1992 First discovery 19
illustrated by Pierre du Hugo ; created by Gallimard Jeunesse and Elisabeth Cohat ; [translator: Sarah Matthews]
Moonlight 1991 First discovery
illustrated by PM Valat ; created by Gallimard Jeunesse and PM Valat ; [translator: Sarah Matthews]
illustrated by Danièle Bour ; created by Gallimard Jeunesse and Pascale de Bourgoing ; [translator: Sarah Matthews]
Moonlight 1991 First discovery 10
illustrated by Claude and Denise Millet ; created by Gallimard Jeunesse, Claude Delafosse and Claude and Denise Millet ; [translator: Sarah Matthews]
Moonlight 1991 First discovery 12
illstrated by Sophie Kniffke ; created by Gallimard Jeunesse and Claude Delafosse ; [translator: Sarah Matthews]
illustrated by Sylvaine Pérols ; created by Gallimard Jeunesse and Jean-Pierre Verdet ; [translator: Sarah Matthews]
illustrated by Geroges Lemoine ; created by Gallimard Jeunesse and Pascale de Bourgoing ; [translator: Sarah Matthews]
Moonlight 1991 First discovery 16
illustrated by Rene Mettler ; created by Gallimard Jeuness, Claude Delafosse and Rene Mettler ; [translator: Sarah Matthews]
Moonlight 1991 First discovery 9
illustrated by Sylvaine Pérols ; created by Pascale de Bourgoing and Gallimard Jeunesse ; [translator: Sarah Matthews]
Moonlight 1990 First discovery 1
illustrated by Henri Galeron ; created by Gallimard Jeunesse and Pascale de Bourgoing ; [translator: Sarah Matthews]
Moonlight 1990 First discovery 7
illustrated by René Mettler ; created by Pascale de Bourgoing and Gallimard Jeunesse ; [tranlator: Sarah Matthews]
Moonlight 1990 First discovery
illustrated by Sophie Kniffke ; created by Gallimard Jeunesse and Pascale de Bourgoing ; [translator: Sarah Matthews]
Moonlight 1990 First discovery 2
illustrated by Christian Broutin ; created by Pascale de Bourgoing and Gallimard Jeunesse ; [translator: Saraha Matthews]
illustrated by P. M. Valat and Sylvaine Perols ; created by Gallimard Jeunesse and Pascale de Bourgoing ; [translator: Sarah Matthews]
Moonlight 1990 First discovery 8
illustrated by Gilbert Houbre ; created by Pascale de Bourgoing and Gallimard Jeunesse ; [Translator: Sarah Matthews]
illustrated by P. M. Valat ; created by Gallimard Jeunesse and Pascale de Bourgoing ; [translator: Sarah Matthews]
written by Bernard Planche ; illustrated by Christian Broutin ; [translated by Sarah Matthews]
Moonlight 1986 The human world 2