Beirut. Université Saint-Joseph. Centre d'études pour le monde arabe moderne
Université Saint-Joseph (Beirut, Lebanon). Center for the Study of the Modern Arab World
Centre d'études pour le monde arabe moderne
Center for the Study of the Modern Arab World
Center for the Study of the Modern Arab World, Saint Joseph's University Beirut
Dar el-Machreq Sarl c1985 CEMAM reports v. 8
: pbk
Dar el-Machreq Sarl c1983 CEMAM reports v. 7
Center for the Study of the Modern Arab World, Saint Joseph's University, Beirut
Dar el-Mashreq c1981 CEMAM reports v. 6
Dar el-Mashreq c1980 CEMAM reports v. 5
Dar el-Mashreq : [distributor, Librairie Orientale] c1978 CEMAM reports v. 4
Center for the Study of the Modern Arab world, Saint Joseph's University, Beirut
Dar el-Mashreq : distributor, Librairie orientale 1976 CEMAM reports v. 1/72-73
Dar el-Mashreq c1976 CEMAM reports v. 3
Dar el-Mashreq : [distributor, Librairie orientale] c1975 CEMAM reports v. 2, 1974
Dar el-Mashreq : [distributor, Librairie orientale] c1974 CEMAM reports v. 2/73
Compiled by the staff of "Centre d'études pour le monde arabe moderne", Center for Study of the Modern Arab World, Saint Joseph's University, Beirut, Lebanon
Dar el-Mashreq , Near East Books Co. [distributor] c1973