Hyne, Cutcliffe
Cutcliffe-Hyne, Charles John
Hyne, C. J. Cutcliffe (Charles John Cutcliffe)
Cutcliffe-Hyne, C. J.
by Charles John Cutcliffe Hyne
Read Books c2013 A cryptofiction classic
C.J. Cutcliffe Hyne ; introduction to the Bison Books edition by Harry Turtledove ; afterword by Gary Hoppenstand
University of Nebraska Press c2002 1st Nebraska paperback printing [ed.] A bison book
: pbk
by C.J. Cutliffe Hyne
Methuen 1923 New and cheaper ed.
by Weatherby Chesney
Methuen 1918 Cheap ed
by C.J. Cutcliffe Hyne
Methuen 1918 Methuen's colonial library
C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne
George Newnes [1918]
by C.J. Cutcliffe Hyne ; with sixteen illustrations by Stanley L. Wood
C.A. Pearson 1913
C.J. Cutcliffe Hyne
Methuen 1913
by Cutcliffe Hyne ; illustrated by Stanley L. Wood
C.A. Pearson 1911 7th impression
E.P. Dutton 1906
by Cutcliffe Hyne
Macmillan 1903
Grosset & Dunlap 1903
by C.J. Cutcliffe Hyne ; with illustrations by Stanley L. Wood
C.A. Pearson 1902
T. Nelson [19--] The Nelson library
T. Nelson and Sons [ca. 1900] The Nelson library
George Newnes [1---]
T. Nelson & Sons [1---] Nelson's library