by Gaëtan Picon ; [translated from the Fremch by James Emmons]
Skira , Macmillan 1983
text by Georges Bataille ; [translated from the French by Austryn Wainhouse and James Emmons] ; introduction by Françoise Cachin
[text by Jean Leymarie ; translated from the French by James Emmons]
Albert Skira , Macmillan 1978 New ed
by Gaëtan Picon ; [translated from the French by James Emmons]
Rizzoli c1977
Pierre-Louis Mathieu ; [translated by James Emmons]
Phaidon 1977
by Jean-Jacques Mayoux ; [translated from the French by James Emmons] ; preface by Sir Anthony Blunt
St. Martin's Press 1975, c1972
Macmillan 1975
[critical essay by Georges Poulet ; biographical commentaries by Robert Kopp ; translated by Robert Allen and James Emmons
d'Art Albert Skira , World [distributor] c1969 The artist and his world / general editor of the series: Jean Leymarie
André Grabar ; translated by Stuart Gilbert and James Emmons
Thames and Hudson c1967 Arts of mankind
Nello Ponente ; [translated from the Itallian by James Emmons]
Skira , Distributed in the U.S. by World Pub. Co., c1965 Art ideas history
Pierre Demargne ; translated by Stuart Gilbert and James Emmons
Thames and Hudson c1964 Arts of mankind v. 6
Roman Ghirshman ; translated by Stuart Gilbert and James Emmons
Thames and Hudson c1964 Arts of mankind
Jacques Thuillier, Albert Châtelet ; [translted from the French by James Emmons]
Skira c1964 Painting, color, history
introduction by Deoclecio Redig de Campos ; text by Maurizio Calvesi ; [translated from the Italian by James Emmons]
Skira ; distributed by World Pub. Co., Cleveland c1962
Thames and Hudson c1962 Arts of mankind v. 3
Golden Press [1962] The arts of mankind
text by Jean Leymarie ; translated by James Emmons
Skira [1961] The taste of our time 35
text by Nello Ponente ; [translated from the Italian by James Emmons]
Skira , Distributed in the United States by the World Pub. Co. c1960 Painting, color, history
biographical and critical study by Eugenio Battisti ; translated from the Italian by James Emmons
Skira c1960 The taste of our time 32
by Charles Sterling ; [translated by James Emmons]
P. Tisné c1959 A new rev. ed