Devesh Kapur
United Nations 2004 G-24 discussion paper series : research papers for the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on international monetary affairs / United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Center for International Development Harvard University no. 29
Aziz Ali Mohammed
United Nations 2003 G-24 discussion paper series : research papers for the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on international monetary affairs / United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Center for International Development Harvard University no.24
Mari Pangestu
UN Nov. 2003 G-24 discussion paper series : research papers for the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on international monetary affairs / United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Center for International Development Harvard University No.23
Jim Levinsohn
United Nations 2003 G-24 discussion paper series : research papers for the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on international monetary affairs / United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Center for International Development Harvard University no. 21
United Nations 2003 G-24 discussion paper series : research papers for the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on international monetary affairs / United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Center for International Development Harvard University no. 20
[edited by] Geoffrey S. Kirkman, Peter K. Cornelius, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Klaus Schwab
Oxford University Press 2002-2003 The global information technology report
2001-2002 , 2002-2003
[general editors] Klaus Schwab, Jeffrey D. Sachs ; project leaders, Peter K. Cornelius, Joaquín Vial
Oxford University Press 2002
World Economic Forum , Oxford University Press c2000