Guyard, Stanislas
par M.S. Guyard
Research Publications 1995 [Microfiche ed.] Western books : the Middle East from the rise of Islam unit 5, fiches 4043-4045
マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィッシュ)
par Stanislas Guyard
Research Publications 1995 [Microfiche ed.] Western books : the Middle East from the rise of Islam unit 5, fiches 4503
Research Publications 1995 [Microfiche ed.] Western books : the Middle East from the rise of Islam unit 4, fiches 3672
by J. Minayeff ; translated from Russian into French by Stanilas [sic] Guyard ; and re-translated into English by Chos. [sic] Geo. Adams
Bahri Publications 1990 1st Indian ed
traduite de l'arabe en français et accompagnée de notes et d'éclaircissements par M. Reinaud
Readex Microprint 1980 Landmarks II monographs
v. 1 , v. 2, pt. 1 , v. 2, pt. 2 マイクロ形態 (マイクロオペーク)
E. Leroux 1884 Bibliothèque orientale elzévirienne 37
Imprimerie nationale 1877
par J. Minayef ; traduite du Russe par Stanislas Guyard
E. Leroux 1874
Impr. nationale 1848-1883
t. 1 , t. 2, 1e ptie , t. 2, 2e ptie
with an introductory essay on its form and character by J. Minayeff ; translated from Russian into French by M. Stanislas Guyard ; rendered into English from the French and rearranged with some modifications and additions for the use of English students by Chas. Geo. Adams
[s.n.] [18--]