Georges Simenon ; translated by Geoffrey Sainsbury ; with updates by David Watson
Penguin Books 2004 Penguin modern classics
Georges Simenon ; translated by Geoffrey Sainsbury ; with an introduction by Richard Vinen
Penguin 2003 Penguin classics , Penguin books
Georges Simenon ; translated by Geoffrey Sainsbury ; with an introduction by Patrick Marnham
general editor, Marcel Dunan ; English advisory editor, John Bowle ; foreword by Arnold Toynbee ; [translated by Delano Ames and Geoffrey Sainsbury]
P. Hamlyn 1966 2nd paperback ed
general editor Marcel Dunan ; English advisory editor John Bowle ; foreword by Arnold Toynbee ; [translated by Delano Ames and Geoffrey Sainsbury]
Hamlyn c1964
Paul Hamlyn c1963
introduction by Emile Langui ; [translated from the French by Geoffrey Sainsbury and James Oliver]
Praeger 1959 Books that matter
Georges Simenon ; translated from the French Les sœurs Lacroix by Geoffery Sainsbury
Penguin 1958 Penguin books 1219, 1224
Georges Simenon ; translated from the French by Geoffrey Sainsbury
New American Library 1957, c1954 A Signet book 1376
by Marcel Brion ; translated by Geoffrey Sainsbury
Collins 1956
Penguin 1952 Penguin books 856 . Mystery and crime
by Georges Simenon ; translated from the French by Geoffrey Sainsbury
Harcourt, Brace and company c1940
G. Routledge & Sons 1939
by Richard Lewinsohn ; translated from the French by Geoffrey Sainsbury
Dutton 1937
by Odette du Puigaudeau ; translated from the French Pieds nus à travers la Mauritanie by Geoffrey Sainsbury
G. Routledge 1937