Challoner, Richard, Bp.
Challenor, Richard
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revised by Richard Challoner
Baronius Press 2003
Available at 1 libraries
translated from the Latin Vulgate (Douay, A.D. 1609 ; Rheims, A.D. 1582) ; with a preface by H.E. the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster
Catholic Truth Society 1956
Available at 3 libraries
translated from the Latin Vulgate and diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek and other editions in divers languages, with notes by Bishop Challoner ; the encyclical letter "On the study of the Holy Scriptures" by Pope Leo XIII ; also a presentation of the essence of the encyclical letter "On Biblical studies" (Divino afflante spiritu) by Pope Pius XII ; and an introduction by Charles J. Callan
Douay Bible House 1944 Red letter ed
by Pope Leo XIII ; also a presentation of the essence of the encyclical letter "On Biblical studies" by Pope Pius XII ; and a preface by William H. McClellan
Douay Bible House [1941]
by Richard Challoner
Burns Oates & Washbourne 1924 New ed. / rev. and corr. by John Hungerford Pollen
translated from the original by R. Challoner
H. Dessain 1885