王, 美艳 オウ, ビエン wang, mei yan


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王, 美艶(オウ, ビエン)

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  • The China population and labor yearbook

    chief editor, Cai Fang ; associate editor, Wang Meiyan

    Brill 2012 The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences yearbooks: population and labor v. 3

    v. 3: hardback

    Available at 1 libraries

  • 后金融危机时期的劳动力市场挑战

    蔡昉主编 ; 都阳, 王美艳副主编

    社会科学文献出版社 2010.7 第1版 人口与劳动绿皮书 . 中国人口与劳动问题报告 = Report on China's population and labor||チュウゴク ジンコウ ヨ ロウドウ モンダイ ホウコク||zhong guo ren kou yu lao dong wen ti bao gao ; No.11(2010)

    Available at 6 libraries

  • The sustainability of economic growth from the perspective of human resources

    chief editor, Cai Fang ; associate editors, Wang Meiyan, Wang Dewen

    Brill , SSAP 2010 The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences yearbooks: population and labor v. 2 . The China population and labor yearbook ; v. 2

    Available at 2 libraries

  • 劳动力流动的政治经济学

    蔡昉, 都阳, 王美艳著

    上海三联书店 : 上海人民出版社 2003.12 当代经济学系列丛书 / 陈昕主编 . 当代经济学文库||トウダイ ケイザイガク ブンコ||dang dai jing ji xue wen ku

    Available at 3 libraries

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