Oughtred, Guilelmus
Oughtred, W. (William)
W. O. (William Oughtred)
Oughtredus, Gulielmus
Oughtredus, Guilelmus
Oughtred, Mr. (William)
O., W. (William Oughtred)
William Oughtred
Readex Microprint 1975 Landmarks of science / ed. by Harold Hartley, Duane H. D. Roller
マイクロ形態 (マイクロオペーク)
[William Oughtred] ; recommended by E. Halley
Printed for John Salusbury at the Rising-Sun in Cornbil 1694
both invented, and the uses of both written in Latine by W. Oughtred ... ; translated into English and set forth for the publique benefit by W.F ; by the authors consent, rev., corrected and freed from all mistakes in the former ed., and also much amplifyed and explained by A.H. Gent
Printed by W. Hall, for R. Davis Anno Dom. 1660